Friday, October 10, 2008

More yard pics

I can't believe this my luffa is really making a Luffa LOL. Plus I still have tomatoes growing. I haven't ever found a vine ripen tomato until just today. I picked it and put it on the ground so that I could look for more. Then just out of know where I backed up and steeped on it. Oh well atleast I can say I found one. I guess I should have taken a picture of it cause ya'll might be thinking I'm telling a tomato tale. (like a fish tale) LOL Oh ya I still have pickles growing just had to say that.

1 comment:

Dora Renee Wilkerson said...

It's looking good even with these colder temps.

Hey, why the HELL don't you leave a comment on my blog. You never do, too busy I guess.. I see how you

Just joking.

Hey, I mailed that Amish friendship starter out to you. Oh, man is that some good stuff.
I used 1/2 apple sauce instead of the whole amount of oil.
I also used 1/2 the cin. inside the bread (I get stupid cancer sores if I eat too much of that stuff.)

Anyway, I normal share stuff I bake. This time I didn't. It's darn good. You'll have to tell me what you think of it once you make it.

Take care,
