Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The end of the growing season at my house.

As you can see the fish are ready for me to feed them one last time before winter. I won't feed them during the cold months. they will go closer to the bottom and just sit there most of the cold.
Some more of the fish.
I need to get out and clean up around the pond before it's to cold outside for me.
I love my pond I just wished that I had more room to build more of them. I just really like watching them fish swim around and hear the water fall. It's just so peace full even thou I live right next to the road.
I got more water flowing in this pond cause it's smaller then my other one. I can't wait till it freezes and you see the water coming out of the falls frozen it's just really neat.
I had to trim my tree so that I didn't have a lot of leaves falling in my pond. plus it just made it look better. I need to pick better spots to build ponds. I just didn't think about the leaves falling in my pond until it was all done and I found a leaf in it. LOL
All of the green tomatoes that are left that I need to pick before the frost.
Renee sent me this gojo bush and I just wanted to show her that it is still living and I will probable trim it down and cover it up for the winter.
This the last of my bell pepper bushes. When I get done removing all of my plants I think my yard is going to look naked. AHHHH that scares me!!!
Luffa, fix'n to pick it. I hope that it will dry out and I can use it.
Just more of my tomatoes

1 comment:

Dora Renee Wilkerson said...

I tagged you for a Meme..
Go to my blog and read what it is..

Hey, Thanks again for coming for Thanksgiving. It made it not suck (because being alone sucks sometimes.)
