Friday, June 27, 2008

My Brother Walt ~ July 29,1964 - June 14, 2008

My oldest brother Walter "Scottie" Scott Jr. was killed trying to save the lives of others. On Saturday June the 14th a tree had fallen across two lanes of a highway in front of there house (and the tree wasn't even theres). My brother if you ever had the chance to meet him was always the one to try to get things done to help others. So he and his wife (Norma Jean whom just got married April the 23rd) had started cutting the tree out of the road to free up one lane so people could pass on the road instead of the ditch. Well some young 22 year old was going to fast hit the tree where my brother was and killed him instantly. I thank the Lord above that he took my brother that way instead of letting him be a vegetable for the rest of his life. I would just like to say that I will miss him very much, I won't have anyone to discuss politic,religion and money to anymore (my grandfather always told me that those three things were the route to all evil) ok maybe we didn't discuss to much about money cause neither one of us ever had much of it. LOL Rest In Peace Walt, I Love You Always and Will Never Forget You! In the words of my brother "Later"

1 comment:

Dora Renee Wilkerson said...

Those are really good pictures of him.
I am sorry this has happened. I wish there was something I could say to make things better.
You know I am here if you need to just talk (I'll even just listen.)

Your friend,
